Program Information

NEW owner, Devon Schroeder, and her family.
On behalf of Mini Motions Dance Center, its faculty and staff, we want to take this opportunity to extend a warm and sincere welcome to each of you.
Review the policies listed below so every parent and student enrolled at the Dance Center are familiar with the conduct and discipline needed to ensure proper teaching and a positive atmosphere for learning.
Fall Program – September – June (Registration in August.)
Winter Program – January – June (Registration in December)
Summer Program – July, 3-week program (Registration in July)
A registration fee applies to each student enrolled. The registration fee for the fall program is $35, $20 for winter and no registration fee for the summer program. This applies to each student enrolled. Students will be provided with tap/ballet shoes where applicable and a Mini Motions T-shirt.
Registration fees and first-month payment will be necessary to guarantee a class position for your child.
Mini Motions Dance Center is continuing with our Automatic Payment System which is a more convenient, hassle-free way to pay your monthly tuition and costume payments. Our payment policy requires all accounts to provide a Credit Card or Debit Card to automatically withdraw tuition on the 5th of each month. There are no refunds for missed classes or dropouts.
Upon registration, the account holder will need to complete the Automatic Withdraw Form, which must be completed and returned to the studio.
You are responsible for updating your new account information with us at least 5 days prior to your payment being pulled. Any payments not taken care of by the 10th of the month will result in a $10 late fee. For all declined transactions (including insufficient funds, expired or new account information, etc.) a $10 reprocessing fee will be added to your payment. Email notification about your upcoming payment as well as a receipt for all accepted or declined payments will be sent out. Be sure you are receiving these emails to help track your payment records. In the case of a transaction being rejected, Mini Motions Dance Center may at its discretion attempt to process the charge again within 30 days. There is a 10% discount given for full-year payments.
For the fall program, the costume/recital fees are split into three payments. (September, November and January. The first two payments will be $55 per dance class and $30 per tumbling class. The final payment will be calculated once the costumes are ordered and the balance amount will be communicated in late December. (Fundraising options available to help with costume/recital costs) Students will perform in two dance routines with an estimated costume cost of $48.00-$55.00 with additional cost for shipping, handling, tights, shoes, entire recital DVD, and student award. For the winter program, the costume/recital fee is one payment due in February which includes one costume, shipping, handling, tights, shoes (if applicable), student award and DVD of the entire recital. The summer program does not include any performances or costumes. We strive to keep prices low and some costumes reusable. Fees are non-refundable once paid. Receiving your deposit means you take full responsibility for the balance due if the student drops out of class. You do have the right to decline from the recital and may still continue to stay in the program, but it truly is a very good experience for them.
Advance tickets for the June 2025 recital and social gathering will be available in May. Recital date TBA.. Tickets will cost $22 for adults and $15 for children (subject to change). The recital, which takes place on June 8th (2 shows 10:30 & 2:30) is a personal and rewarding show as we see our students become the performers. Share in the excitement and accomplishment as the students receive their awards on stage followed by a party of refreshments and acknowledgments on a fine year of good hard work! Though there are two recital times, the student will perform in only one show along with a rehearsal. Additional shows may occur during the year which is helpful to ease away any shyness and fear encountered by performing in front of an audience.
The Dance Center does not close along with any school closings. Many times the road conditions improve by lesson time. Teachers will instruct classes with those students who are willing and able to attend. If the center is closing, we will post it in
our BAND group and it will be posted on our Facebook page. There will be broadcasting on T.V. after 2:00 p.m.
Two consecutive missed lessons require a phone call by the parent to inform us of the student’s status. Weekly attendance is a must for the progression of the entire class. Missed classes will reflect on their knowledge and skills. Four make-up classes are allowed throughout the entire program, if applicable. See the instructor for days and times. If your student is unable to participate in class due to an injury, the teacher will need to see a doctor’s note clearing them for full activity before they will be able to return. However, the students are encouraged to still attend classes when sick/injured to watch and keep up with routines.
To keep you informed, all communication will be through our BAND group, Facebook and our website. Please check this routinely so you are up to date with information. Additional announcements are made at the end of classes, if necessary, so please be available to receive such information; otherwise, students will be responsible for informing you. When only three lessons occur in a month due to holiday closing, regular payment is made since some months carry five lessons, therefore, balancing out.
We ask the parents to show their interest and participate in the student's progress by observing a class at least once a month. Instructors like to see parents writing down dance steps or helping them practice at home. Show them your interest and they will go far. What is most important for our students is that they have fun learning to dance and perform. By incorporating music and dance into their lives, they can learn rhythm, movement, coordination, flexibility and good self-esteem. All of these traits help to develop confidence – isn’t that what we all need to be successful in life?

Students will remain in the waiting area until they are called upon by the teacher to begin their lesson. No running in class. No chewing gum. Keep hands off the mirrors.
Baggy clothes and jeans are NOT appropriate for class. Dancewear, leotards, or spandex/stretch clothing is suggested. (May vary in some classes: consult your instructor.) To avoid wet and dirty floors, please bring clean tennis shoes/dance shoes to wear for lessons. No street shoes on the dance floor.
Parents and visitors who stay to observe classes must remain quiet so our students can concentrate and listen to the instructor without distractions. Siblings with you are to remain off the dance floor. At no time should children be left unsupervised.
Arriving late for a class can be very distracting and unpleasant for your child and the teacher. Please be prompt for pick-up if you are not staying for their class. A 15-minute break occurs between each class. No children should leave the building without an adult by their side for safety reasons.
Classes having less than five registered students may be canceled at the Dance Center’s discretion. Mini Motions and the faculty reserve the right to remove any student from class for failure to observe good conduct and policies.
Thank you for your understanding and for following these rules needed for dance discipline.
2024/2025 Class Fees

$50.00/month – 45-minute lesson
$55.00/month – 60-minute lesson
$10.00/month discount for each additional class (immediate family – same household)
Tuition Cap - Single Student $200 or $225 per Family (immediate family members only)
Dance Center
Monday 5:00 - 8:30
Tuesday 5:00 - 8:30
Wednesday 5:00 - 8:30
Thursday - 5:00 - 8:30
Friday - CLOSED
Saturday- CLOSED
Sunday - CLOSED
June - August by Appt Only